Git and Github Session
Event Details:
Saurav Pati
Piyush Mishra
Shubhasai Mohapatra
Date: 21 May, 2022
Topics Covered:
- Introduction to Git
- Hands on training on Git
- Importance of Git and its Visualization
- Introduction to GitHub
- Detailed training on GitHub
- Introduction to Open Source
- Details on “How to contribute to a project?”
Most Used Commands in Git:
Sets up Git with your name
git config --global "<Your-Full-Name>"
Sets up Git with your email
git config --global "<your-email-address>"
To create/inialize a new Git repository
git init
To know the state of our repository as seen by Git
git status
To move files from the Working Directory to the Staging Index
git add <file1> <file2> … <fileN>
To add all the files:
git add .
To saves a log message along with the commit id of the modifications made to the git repository
git commit –m "<your commit message>"
To push the contents of your local repository to the remote repository you’ve added
git push -u origin <branch-name>
To create a new branch locally
git branch <branch-name>
To take a look at the branches and check out on which branch you’re currently working:
git branch
orgit branch --list
To switch to an existing branch or to create and switch to a new one
git checkout <branch-name>
To join a branch to the parent branch
git merge <name-of-branch-to-merge-in>
To produce a local working copy of a remote repository’s source code
git clone<repo-url>
To fetch and integrate a remote repository with your local repository
git pull
To show all of a repository’s commits
git log