Blockchain Workshop

Event Details

Event Report

By : Simron Bhuyan

  • Blockchain technology is growing at a fast rate and its growth is not going to saturate anytime soon. In such a time it was wonderful to know about this technology from someone well experienced like our very own alumnus Swapnil Kole, Lead Engineer, SuperWorld. Earlier blockchain felt only about crypto currencies, but there is a lot more to it. We got to learn about immutable ledgers, smart contracts, dapplications, DeFi and so much more. From learning the basics of blockchain technology to knowing how to land a job in the field, everything was covered in the workshop. The code along sessions were interactive and a fun part of the 10 hours. Swapnil bhaiya’s personal journey throughout the 4 years of college and his consistency towards landing a job provided immense motivation to us. His guidance on how to navigate college was highly admired. Earliar blockchain felt like it’s something out of my scope but now it seems so much simpler and something that we can actually do if we are dedicated to it. The two days of blockchain session were definitely well spent.


  1. Session Slides :
  2. Blockchain Basics to Advanced(Udemy courses):
  3. Web3 and Dapplications (Udemy courses):

For more refer to #blockchain-resources in our discord channel

Code thru


Code Thru is held biweekly i.e. once every two weeks on Thursdays. The session take place over 2 hrs, with the 1st hour dedicated to coding with questions for participants to solve. The following hour is be spent in an interactive session where the questions, along with any additional problems and doubts, are be addressed. The motto of the series is to promote the coding culture in the campus and a good interaction among all.


  1. Code thru 0 - Editorials

Days of Productivity

About and rules

  • Event name : 25 Days of Productivity
  • Dates - 09th March 2022 to 02nd April 2022

Organisers - Raj Aryan, Saurav Pati, Piyush Mishra, Harshit Singh

Mention any work or anything that you learned throughout the day that is related to technology in the progress-tracker channel at the end of the day by summarizing your day while also mentioning the day you are on. You can also post your work on your social handles and mention PSoc.

Stuck with something? Wanna share your ideas, or something interesting you came across? 🤔 We’ve got you covered as there will be weekly discussions in 🔉 QnA on whatever you wanna share with everyone. Plus we’ll be sharing resources every week and helping each other grow.

Example: Day 05:

  • Learnt about loops in Python
  • reviewed data types in C
  • came across this interesting blog : link

Maintain your productivity streak for the next 25 days to come. 😤 Encourage and support your peers every day by replying to them or reacting to their daily updates with emojis! 🙌 🤩 🥳 🔥 🚀 👍 😲

What if you skip a day or two in between? No worries! We all need small breaks and thus, this event is from 09th March 2022 to 02nd April 2022 so you can take things at your own pace to complete the challenge but without procrastinating too much.

Wall of fame